“The good news is that not only can women have both families and careers, they can thrive while doing so.”
- Sheryl Sandberg in her book, Lean In -
As a woman in the corporate world, sometimes I fear of losing it all - careers, personal life, and well-being.
And the question often rings in my ear: Can I really do it all?
As a manager at a Big 4 consulting firm, I am learning to find harmony in having a successful career and living a fulfilling life. Through reading, studying, and learning first-hand from other women in power, the answer lies in having more women in leadership positions in the workforce.
Here at eun, I aim to create a supportive community for women who are already working or who may want to jump back in. I share my experiences and insights in the hopes of encouraging others who resonate with me. My wish is for every woman in this generation and many more to come to not worry about losing it all but instead stay focused on thriving.
“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.”
— John 15:4